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Here you can read about the faith we embrace.

Our faith is the biggest factor in making us who we are, and our family dedicates its very existance to the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah God. Although still very imperfect humans, as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses, we endeavor to honor Him and His Son Jesus, with our lives. We make it a point to share our hope and faith in God's coming Kingdom, and teach others what we've learned from the Bible about becoming subjects of this government. What Jesus called in the scriptures the "good news". At Matthew 24:14 he instructed his followers to preach this good news throughout "the entire inhabited earth"- and when God's will had been accomplished in this matter, "then the end will come."

We know from indepth consideration of the inspired scripture that this promised end will bring about the conclusion of this old system of things and the anhilation of God's enemies- But it will also be a wonderful new beginning for the loyal humans who've aligned themselves with God, by doing his will. If you are hungry for truth, and thirsty for the refreshing news Jesus offered the Samaritan woman at the well, send an email this way or welcome Jehovah's Witnesses the next time they come knocking, there's no cost or obligation when you accept a free home Bible study. You will find the answers to the questions you've always to ask God, though. Right there in your own copy of the Bible. (Seriously.) The time we are living in right now compares to the days of God's servant Noah,... while terrible things were occurring all around him, he was busy with his family building the ark. He was also preaching to the inhabitants of the need to respond to God's message. When Jehovah's time to respond expired, God closed the door. Right at this moment it's still open, and we encourage any with an inkling of desire to understand, any with a curious heart to know God's will and how they fit into it-to take immediate action!

This is one of my favorite images
This is my beloved son Ryan, at last years' summer District convention..
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Our Resurrection Hope.
.The Greek word translated resurrection in the scriptures is "Anastasis". It literally means "A standing up again", and it refers to rising up from death. The fuller expression "resurrection of (from)the dead" is used repeatedly in the Bible.(You can read for yourself at Matt. 22:31, or Acts 4:2, or 1st Cor.15:12)Resurrection involves a reactivating of the life pattern of the individual, which life pattern God has retained in his memory. The provision of the resurrection of the dead is a magnificent expression of Jehovah's undeserved kindness; it displays his wisdom and power and is a means by which his original purpose regarding the earth will be carried out. His son, Jesus, demonstrated his ability to perform this miraculous reawakening for those asleep in death many times while on the earth as a human. (you can read of two of these accounts at John 11:11, 14-44 and Mark 5:35-42.) It has been a very difficult few years in our family, having lost numerous loved ones and special friends to the great enemy, death...
     We have no doubt that our seperation from these dear ones, Monique for example, is,(although painful and devastating)-a temporary one, and are trying to focus our sight on the future day when Jesus can, during the resurrection during His Millennial Reign, overjoy us all when just as easily as he did then, he will call out to her "Tal'itha cu'mi," (Maiden, I say to you, Get up!) And she will open her eyes and respond with her catch phrase: "Oh My Goodness!" and live again. A second chance- an opportunity she never really had, to live and finish growing up herself, without the stresses and strains of broken families and fatherless children, of which she herself suffered from.
She'll be able enjoy the blessings and unity of God's new righteous world with her sons and hopefully, her whole family. Our hope for her, as well as for my own father, who lost his life the same year, and all our treasured loved ones who temporarily sleep in death. This is our every day prayer.

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A Poem of Remembrance for One loved as a Daughter.
Young, like a rosebud pressed open too early, holding so much promise for full bloom were you patient, not brash,...the delicate blossom that made you unique, now a crushed petal, lieing in ash.
Like a rosebush raised wild, you grew your own way, despite desiring a trellis to support and to guide you. Growing through phases taught you lessons in pain, yet you still sought the sun's light through the shadow beside you.
Loving hands pruned and attempted assistance, caring hearts spoke councel, but were met with resistance.
Twirling out vines through the fence that restrained you, quickly outgrowing the ground that contained you...you made a poor choice, the course you chose, futile. You were feeling forlorn, and needing renewal. Snapped off at the stem, your beauty frozen in time. How my heart aches with this temporary loss of you... dear, sweet friend of mine...


Here are the little fellows, with Poppy.

Evan had new dress shoes, a tad bit too big. Here he's sadly holding it in his hand telling me as I snapped his picture: "Mahmaw, it came off again."

Greg and LoriE, Columbus Ohio Convention Center, Summer 2005.